Healthcare Resources Foundation - The Hospitals & Higher Education Facilities Authority of Philadelphia

The Healthcare Resources Foundation is a Pennsylvania charitable foundation funded by The Hospitals and Higher Education Facilities Authority to support worthy community initiatives consistent with the mission of the Authority.

The mission of the Healthcare Resources Foundation is to research and seek solutions to critical healthcare issues and healthcare delivery needs. Funded from both public and private sources, and in partnership with government, labor, the business and healthcare communities, and civic leadership, we seek to play the role of a catalyst in the collaborative development of plans and action to address serious healthcare delivery concerns, including comprehensive regional planning for the healthcare delivery system.

To achieve this mission, the Healthcare Resources Foundation seeks to:

  • Identify critical healthcare and educational issues
  • Disseminate information on identified issues
  • Determine necessary courses of action and intervention
  • Secure and allocate sufficient funding to implement solutions
  • Encourage implementation of identified actions
  • Provide a forum for the discussion of healthcare information exchange, green technologies, IT and other timely issues